I'm still struggling to get my head around this blogging thing.. Its a fairly new concept, at least to me it is! So, in an effort of trying to grasp blogging and everything that comes with it, I have been reading other blogs BY KENYANS!!! And my oh my! Aren't we moving from a drinking generation to a writing (or blogging, whichever floats your boat) generation.. Ok, maybe its a bit premature to declare that but at least we're headed there! There are some seriously good blogs out there.. Take Jackson Biko for example. Any woman who reads True Love and Saturday Magazine knows just how incredible a writer he is. His blog bikozulu.wordpress.com. Then there is Michael Ngigi- who's blog title: A Day in a Dogs Life, gives away just what the blog is about.. or so you may think. There is also Mrs. Mwiti. She is as real as they come. Then there is Miss Bree on mizzbree.wordpress.com... To cut the long story short, there is a whole orchestra of bloggers out there.
So now I am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt, I will somehow get a hang of it... Eventually anyway! Itsjust a question of time; Everything is always a question of time.
To be a blogger or not to be....That is the question!!! :-)
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