Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Clothing Grass

Today, lets go to church...

Growing up, there was a nursery/sunday school rhyme that went something like: Why worry when you can pray? Why worry when you can pray? [Please note if you don't know this rhyme, there you were probably born in Kibaki's generation :-) or earlier] Anyway, Sunday was church day and I, through the Pastor of course, stumbled upon a verse in the Good book: Matthew 6:25-34. It is general gist of the scripture is God asking why you (and I) go through the trouble of worrying about our clothes, food or drink. HE just doesn't get it. God, clothes... get this, THE GRASS  [kinda makes you wonder what GRASS looks like when its NAKED]  :-) :-) :-) and HE feeds the birds of the air.  He is the ultimate provider, at least the scriptures say so.

In reality though, few people believe that God will provide for them, for whatever. Reason: Human beings are generally doubtful and like to worry and of course there are those who just don't believe in ultimate provision. Back to the scritpures, there last part says.. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

So you see, God doesn't promise us a life free pf troubles and worries because even He knows that each day has enough troubles of their own. He just asks us not to worry because HE clothes grass!

So take it all in stride, each trouble.. take it in stride but for the love of God (literally) don't worry about it.

If Grass can be clothed, wewe je?

Have a blessed week, albeit belated! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I like the thought of naked grass :-)And when you think that half the stuff we worry about doesnt materialize then you wonder what the fuss is all about. Indeed, let tomorrow worry about itself, today has enough drama of its own. xoxo
