Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Religion & The Sexes.

I met this man a while back, a long while back. He had me at good grammar and his mastery of the queen's language and has had me since then. Yes! Yes! It really is that easy to impress a woman... at least this woman.During one of my uninspired moments of being a blogger, I asked him to write something which I would post... Like a guest blogger of sorts. Don't get me wrong, at this point I am not uninspired or short of things to blog about, quite the contrary. I thought it kind to treat you all to this piece; I must say, its quite something... But be the judge!

Ladies & Gentlemen: Here goes...


You know how “they” say there’s a first time for everything, turns out it’s in fact a FACT! So I’m writing at her bequest, why she chose to have me contribute only she knows! This is for you lady Aiyanna! This is for the power the pen holder wields!

For all of you who came long before me… What do you put up? What is fit for public reading? What tips or guidelines are there for the very many yet meek first timers who can’t pose this question to you o wise ones? Do we completely let ourselves go and proceed to disclose intimate things about ourselves, is this an avenue for venting and for ranting and for all form of lewdness and debauchery, is this purely recreational or is this in the artsy world the underground of writing?

Consider these my first steps in alien territory! Will I conquer or will they vanquish me? So, to get you talking and hopefully win a few more followers to the lady and myself, let’s tackle the two questions no one has answers to; religion and the sexes! Got you interested, huh? It’s ok to have your eyes tear a bit shows we’re en course, next stop blood shot eyes!

God created MAN in his image...and then there’s eve! Proverbs 18:22 “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and receives favor from God.” Self explanatory I would expect. Then a trend emerges that I find rather alarming. I mean God created us alike, men and women alike. So while there are many instances in the Holy book where “man” refers to both sexes, there are probably just as many where “man” is gender sensitive. So is there a superior gender? Or is there, to be politically correct, a less superior gender? Take how for example women are always handed things as opposed to earning them. How for instance until recently most of the women seating in the Kenyan legislature were nominated, how the rise of affirmative action demanded that women be given positions of leadership rather than earning them. How it’s ironic that the stronger sex is the weaker one, maybe they meant stronger in number? You decide. Please note that I’m NOT a chauvinist, I’m just making observations. 

Moving on, in 1st Corinthians 7, Apostle Paul goes on to urge followers to stay single but should they be incapable of that then they may SETTLE, (pun intended!). However the one thing that’s very clear in this very complex book is the fact that this one verse has been scripted more than once, I’m not sure if it was to serve as a warning or if it’s simply for emphasis…for the meek of course… Proverbs 21:9 “Better to live in a corner on a roof than in a house with a quarrelsome wife.”  Read also Proverbs 25:24. I’m no Sherlock Holmes but if you connect the dots everything presents itself…simple MAN, as in gender of first created being, should steer clear of the “fairer” sex… You’ll have to forgive me for giving my two cents worth on this as well, but if we’re talking fairer in appearance then HELL YEAH FAIRER SEX!

Finally, if you’ve gotten this far, thank you for persevering… Did you enjoy it? Do you want to slap the daylights out of me? Do you want to beat my host to a pulp or till she can see stars? Go ahead do it! Oh! I should probably ay that I’m not advocating that you do any of those things physically, this is a cold war.

By Macharia Gathoni.


  1. Dear Guest Writer,
    Yes, mission accomplished - the one you set out to vex the chi out of me on an otherwise beautiful sunny day. Kinda like the reason why bees like picincs?
    I cannot for the life of me fathom where you get the cheeck to write *Take how for example women are always handed things as opposed to earning them* Really - in which lifetime were you last a woman?? I'll have you know that very many women work extremely hard for *things* and dont wait to have them handed over on a silver platter. Yes, I have the moral authority to say so since Im one of them.
    Your article was to say the least uninspiring, disjointed, innacurate, highly misinformed and overall unappreciated. Your interpretation of the Bible is trully wanting but thats a can of worms I'll pass on today.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mastery of the queen's language indeed.I feel the need to rebuttle on this one.Very insightful Macharia.You should start your own blog.You have a follower on stand-by.Lady Aiyanna you don't mind do you?

  4. I like the piece, not because I was captured at good grammar but because its different. I tend to agree with Christine though that its rather a gross generalization to conclude that women are handed things... Some are; but not all. Perhaps the editor should have added some. In the same breathe, some women earned their positions of leadership; few as they were, they earned them

    Macharia, Steer clear of the fairer sex? Is it humanly possible? I doubt it.

    Addy, the Lady will gladly follow.
