Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Quatre mois plus tard!

I had a light bulb moment to start a blog sometime in February 2011. I was unemployed - still am - and idle as I had graduated in 2010. I never considered myself a writer, I still don't. The most writing I had done was writing up notes on Facebook and I was not on Facebook anymore and even then, I had not written in over a year. An event changed my life and I had a "writers-wannabe block". I had an urge to write but had no clue where to start. I was bored when I put up my first post - The Independence Paradox. I shared it with three people. Maybe four. When I put up that post, I considered myself that woman. I wondered why I prided myself as being "Ms. Independent", albeit silently,  yet I still went out of my way to keep a certain man happy. Dressed up for him and had venting sessions with my girls about men... I felt lost at the time and utterly confused. I figured it out though; thanks to this blog and the man who I felt had me confused. That was four months ago. 

There is an awfully thin line between blogging and keeping a diary;  an even thinner line between knowing what to tell the followers of your blog and what to tell your psychiatrist (No, I don't have one but maybe you do) and/or your best-friend. That is what makes blogging so damn hard, sometimes anyway; but if your life forms an awfully good plot for a movie, like mine, then its hard all the time. Its hard because it gets to a point where you can't quite draw the line. But its been four months of blogging. Four wonderful months of not knowing where and when I should draw the line or just let the world (read my ten followers) into my world as it is, as raw and bare as it is. I tried once but with little or no success. I suppose it takes time.

Are you wondering what this is all about? Well, one of my followers [*Sigh* doesn't it feels good to say that :-)] mentioned to me my posts have constantly been about other people and things but never really about me... Her words: "Your posts are always about other things and people. Make it yours for once, like really yours!" 

Hadn't quite thought it was so obvious. Truth is its quite unlikely I will blog about personal stuff like other bloggers e.g. Bikozulu, Sandra Bwire, Jacquie Ndinda e.t.c. (I admire them immensely for having the courage to do so). When my blog and I grow up I want to be just like them... In that regard anyway. 

My point:  My baby (read as this blog) and I are taking baby steps. We'd rather address the issues that we feel eat at our society and give y'all our highly subjective opinions on the same and hope that on the bare minimum you have something to think about, be thankful for or something to laugh about at the end of the day.

Reason: Well, for starters, its always easier to blog about things and people who spice up your Monday Mornings (Refer to I Plead the Fifth). Secondly, I still don't know where and when to draw the line between best-friend, psychiatrist and blog worthy information. Third, I'm an awfully discreet person. Lastly, in my world this post does amount to a blog about myself. :-) Correct? Good. I'm glad we are on the same page.
P.s. Thanks for reading and/or following. :-) Keep doing so. :-)


  1. Aiyanna,keep doing what you are best at! Trust me, opinions are like a nose everybody has one! Blog all you can; give-in to no demands except that of an idea, thought or feeling begging to be blogged.

  2. Adyzho, you found me huh? :) Will keep blogging and you keep reading! Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. i relate to your situation. nhu if you don't mind you can take a peek at my blog just follow this link http://adyzho.blogspot.com/
