Wednesday, 15 June 2011


*Blegh*. I know that is not how one starts a captivating post but there are only ten rules in this world etched in stone; they are commonly known as the TEN COMMANDMENTS, and there is none forbidding one to start a post with BLEGH!. Refer to Exodus 20 for a quick refresher course. *Blegh*. :-)

Lets move on swiftly. Sunday, June 19th 2011 is an important day. Its FATHER'S DAY. One of my favorite quotes of all time is "Any man can be a FATHER, but it takes a special person to be a DAD". Often, the two words are used interchangeably. According to Oxford Dictionary, "father is a man in relation its offspring" where as "dad is defined as one's father." Thus it is perfectly in order to use the two terms interchangeably. However to interrogate it further; "relation refers to the way in which two or more people or groups feel about and behave towards each other."

I don't come from a single-parent family. Mr.M has been a father for the last 30 years. When I say he has been a father, I mean he has had a relation - perfect or imperfect - with his offspring's for a minimum of 23 years and a maximum of 30 years. I often wonder what my siblings would say about him given an opportunity; that I would give a lot of money to hear. *Ahem;clear throat*

I have my own understanding of what fatherhood and being a dad is all about; an understanding influenced by watching too many fairy tale movies perfectly blended with the harsh and sudden realities of life...

FATHERHOOD: Comes just as naturally to men as MOTHERHOOD does to women; it just wears a different mask;
A mask of provision, 
A mask of protection, 
A mask of unlimited strength,
A mask of unending wisdom,

FATHERHOOD: is about belief;
Belief in God above all else,
Belief in his wife,
Belief in his offspring,
Lastly, belief in oneself,

Respects God,
Respects authority,
Respects family,
Respects peers,
Respects his offsprings,
Respects oneself

Honors God, 
Honors his wife,
Honors his WORD,

 ~ Being a gift to your children; that they would never imagine their lives without you;
 ~ Being in a particular place - in this case, being part of their lives, being there constantly;
 ~ Being an award to and/or for them;

A man is judged by his character; his children judge his character by how much his actions show he loves their mother; and his wife judges his character by how good A FATHER/DAD he is to their children.

At a time of reproductive freedom for women, fatherhood must be more than a matter of DNA. A man must choose to be a father in the same way that a woman chooses to be a mother. ~ Mel Feit ~



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