Saturday, 4 June 2011


Its darkest before dawn! Some of us, myself included, know a bit too well about darkness! But today is not a day to brood over life and all its ridiculous challenges, today is a different kind of day!!!

You see, I have two friends, who in one day, have managed to remind me that darkness is merely the temporary absence of light.

Friend 1: Lets call her Sab. Sab is a great person! Great personality. Fabulous fashion sense and a remarkable writer. We didn't meet too long ago Sab and I; but the first day I met her, I knew we'd be great friends. Why? Well, because she had GORGEOUS EARRINGS ON! (Yes men, that's how easy it is for women to forge friendships). Unfortunately, we didn't quite become friends until much later... Something about judging a book by its cover i.e. her thinking I was a snob and I thinking she was being funny (not funny ha ha... nope, the unfunny kind of funny), and I don't do that breed of funny people. Life has taught me to steer clear from them. But as I said, she has GORGEOUS EARRINGS & I HAVE A FETISH FOR EARRINGS.. DO THE MATH. I later came to learn she too has a blog, a fabulous one at that. In that same conversation, I was also informed the blog is a secret, which in my opinion is an abomination, of sorts anyway, because she can reaaalllllly write. I have a friend who once told me I have Dr. Phil tendencies, so vowing not to disappoint her and her opinions, I prod Sab... And now she is out of the closet people; so much so that Biko Zulu  (Jackson Biko) is thinking of doing something, related to writing, with her! When did she get the news: TODAY!

Friend 2: Lets call her Muno! Muno and I hit it off from the first day. How did I know I'd be friends with her: We both had on: black trousers(same design), white blouse, exact shade of brown sweater, brown shoes and gold jewellery. I remember this, not because I have OCD [if I did I'd have written it in alphabetic order, CDO :-)] , but because we found ourselves wearing the same clothes, in the same colors more than once. Fashion brings women together. Muno, has always been a "Ms. goody two shoe".  ALWAYS! She is the typical daddy's girl. But you can only live that way for so long! This year, she vowed to find HER way and her self. So, once again, I put on my Dr. Phil hat. It was a long talk that led to the realization that we were both on the same boat. A long talk which revealed to us that it will get better with time. It will get better because we will get better at what we do, at how we live our lives bla bla bla. Misery loves company and boy oh boy did we not love each others' company that day. Tomorrow, Muno leaves for Addis... UN Women called her up yesterday.... all they wanted was her OK to process her documents, finances, accommodation ET AL.

Are you wondering about me: Well, I'm a patient (with life, not people) life lover. But in the pipeline, is a job interview. One which everyone but I is over the moon about... I am not not excited, I am just confused about it. Those are details. Fact is that, I always give my best and though confused, I will give it my best. In the mean time, I will wait for my heart's desires to come true. Its a good thing I am patient with life!

It may be darkest before dawn, but its never the end of the world. Although it may be darker when all you girls are in the same boat as you, as they step out one by one into the BRIGHT SHINING LIGHT, you can't help but smile for their joy, for their soon to be success, for your Dr. Phil moment that got them through a DARK NIGHT! Its darkest before dawn, but its never dark FOREVER; because FOREVER is an awfully long time.

Have a blessed week ahead my people! :)

P.s. I am sorry for the delayed posting... Exams were playing the devil's part!

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