Thursday, 11 August 2011

The Beautiful Ones Are Born!

"God must have spent a little more time on you".... Musician

If you are a girl, at some point in your life, you have met a man who has told that God must have spent a little more time on you or you have met one who has said something just as sweet/cocky depending on how well you take compliments. If you haven't met such a man, be patient. He is coming your way soon enough. In the same breathe, if you are a woman, there is a man (who is most likely not your current catch) who when you first saw him - through whichever medium - left you breathless and you have sworn to your girls that if you knew then what you know now.... Every woman meets a man who she can't have but that man; that man... That one God spent an entire lifetime on him. I believe the same applies to men... There is that girl - who is not your mpango wa kando, your wife, girlfriend or friends with benefit, who you'd die to have/meet. Take for example:BikoZulu and his love for Toni Braxton... I mean, if Toni came to Kenya I have a strong feeling he would probably pass out or throw his boxers at her - kinda like how girls throw their undies at Usher Raymond...Ooooh Usher Raymond! *Sigh*  God surely did spend more time on you. Everyone has that one person who is all that and a bag of chips.... 


To dare say God spent a little more time on him is to put it lightly. If you ask me, God created him on a really good day! The kind of day when God woke up happier than usual. He had had a goodnight with the angels. They had sang to Him harmoniously. Told Him how AWESOME He is. His coffee was just right that morning. The mood had been sent just right. The dust was finer than usual that day. God's hands were rested. My mirror of the past tells me that on the day Boris Kodjoe was created, everything was better than perfection

A smile of perfection. His teeth & lips. His ears are just right; not too big nor too small - perhaps a sign that he is a different kind of man,one who hears what his lady says to him... or so I wish. He is perfectly built. His skin tone is just right... Dark and bald!

This man is beauty personified. He looks good in black and white pictures just as he does in colored ones... See below: 

He looks good in hat; 

I cannot even begin to imagine what I'd throw at him if he was on vacation in Kenya... Myself, my shoes... He'd be spoiled for choice.

I'm curious though: When the female angels saw him, did they secretly wish they could become human and get to have him? *Sigh*

Boris, God was in a happy place when he created you! You are evidence that the beautiful ones have been born and walk amongst us! :) *Drool*

1 comment:

  1. You can feel that this one came from deep within...well written and I agree, we all have that one person...
