A story is told of a boy who met a girl...
Their conversations were perfect; he completed her sentences. She completed his sentences
Her laughter was contagious and his smile melted her heart
Telepathy was their new-found super power
Theirs was a fairy-tale love story that blossomed in the woods and like Hansel and Gretel they dropped some breadcrumbs as they moved along so that one day if they felt like they had lost their way and their love had become rational they would take a few steps back along the same path and remember why they had loved so irrationally and how they had acquired telepathy as a super power. The breadcrumbs would lead them home... Back to where it all began
I suppose they mustn't have finished reading Hansel and Gretel for if they had, they would have known that the woods have birds and the birds would eat their breadcrumbs. The birds ate their breadcrumbs as they moved along. The more they dropped, the more the birds had to eat. The birds had eaten most of their breadcrumbs but they believed that they had come so far hand-in-hand to dare get lost if they ever needed to go back. Hadn't their walk been perfect - with each of them taking mental photographs of the most memorable tree? Well, it had been perfect. Save for the occasional rain that poured, the sun would always shine again and dry them up. Their walk in the woods had been perfect.
It was the perfect love story
It is the perfect love story of a boy who met a girl and the girl met the boy and the rest is history.
It is a love story that was lived through in the thick of the woods.
It is the perfect love story that eventually led them to different forests when they once tried to find their way back home.
It is the perfect love story of how they now rely on the echoes of the words...
"I love you"
"I love you too"
Every so often, they shout the words out a little bit louder than before, this time hoping that the echoes will lead them back to each other...
Lead them back to each others arms.
Back to the simplicity of a hug,
Back to the simplicity of his hand in hers,
To the simplicity of his smile and her smile and
Most importantly, restore back their telepathic powers because their love brought out the best in them.
Unfortunately, they seem to forget that the louder they shout, the farther away the echoes will sound and the farther away their paths shall be... Soon, the echoes will lead them out of the woods, their love will be out of the woods and so will their fairy tale
*Good-bye my lover, good-bye my friend, you have been the one.. you have been the one for me*
Hopefully, their journey out of the woods will lead them to a t-junction...
And on that day, all they will need to do is whisper
"I love you"
"I love you too"
Because sometimes a whisper is far more clearer than a shout.
"I love thee... always"
Good-bye my lover, good-bye my friend, you have been the one.. you have been the one for me...you still are the one for me