Monday, 24 June 2013

Dear Reader

“More than kisses, letters mingle souls.” 
~John Donne~

If I would write you a letter, 
It certainly would not be a love letter... Well, not by my standards.
It would not be hateful either, hate mail is not my forte.

If I would dare write you a letter,
I would tell you how much  that I miss you
I would tell you how much I wish you were animal
I would tell you about my friend who told her boss that her mother, who carried her for 9 months, still said PLEASE whenever she sent her around :-)
I would tell you that a simple beat, a simple rhythm - even without words - reminds me of you 
I would tell you how much you have been on my mind
I would tell you how proud I am of you

If I would dare write you a letter,
I would tell you that you are broken and need fixing
I would tell you that I too am broken was once broken
I would tell you that I have been sad and I have been cuddling my sadness
I would curse at and insult you
I would tell you that I still love the rain

If I would dare write you a letter,
I would tell you what I think about Olivia Pope (and President Fitzgerald)
I would once again tell you that I think you should have been a friggin' animal
I would tell you that more than kisses, letters mingle souls.....

But the truth is, I will probably never write you a letter
Then again, maybe this is the letter so...

Dear Reader,

With Love & Pride
Ms. Aiyanna.